Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Feeling my Best!

                My most memorable moment of my senior year is also where I felt that I was at my best.  It was the conference volleyball championship game, and I was a starting setter.  The ESC Raiders (my team) faced the SCAL Mustangs.  Now this game wouldn’t have been such a big deal accept for the fact that my school had been the conference champions for at least six consecutive years before my class.  My teammates and I knew that we couldn’t be the senior class to fail our school.  Well, both teams were pretty skilled and the match went to four games.  Honestly, I don’t think many people expected us to win.
We proved people wrong.  I won’t ever forget the explosive feeling after we beat the mustangs 25-21 in the last game.  The Raiders won and all I remember feeling were goose bumps and excitement.  I felt like I was at my best in this game because I gave it everything I had, along with my teammates.  All that practice and sweat resulted in a conference title. 
Well this feeling can be turned into other energy besides athletics.  This energy is a good example at how I know I will feel if I do my best here at Iowa State.  Studying and making an effort in my classes will result in good grades!  If I put in as much effort as I did in high school volleyball to my academics at ISU, there is no way to fail.  All I need is the mindset to succeed like the one I had in that volleyball match.
My first semester at Iowa State has already been full of surprises and challenges, but with a good attitude, I can manage it.  I just can’t wait for a break!!!!! The feeling I had after the volleyball match is a similar feeling I have when I work hard academically and get the results I want.  I motivate myself to do well and I’m looking forward to getting those results!


  1. I remember the seniors winning that game. I cannot wait for break either Megan, and I hope as well that I get a great outcome from my first semester at ISU. However, I disagree with your choice to put a picture of Bryce and you on your blog. For shame Megs, for shame.

  2. I along with you was very fortunate to have a talented class with that pressure on your shoulders. This brings back more memories than I can put on here but long story short we were conference champs in volleyball and basketball the last 3 years. it's a good feeling I'll never forget. :)

  3. You played volleyball? I was a middle hitter! :) I can definitely relate to the feeling of hard work paying off during a volleyball match. Our school didn't expect much from us either, and it's always a great feeling when you can prove people wrong by showing them that you can do it. It's also really wonderful when your team comes together, and everyone has their hearts put into it.

  4. I can't imagine the amount of pressure that must have been on you guys. It's awesome that you were able to prove people wrong and pull out the win! That's definitely one of the best feelings in the world.

  5. Sounds like you are just a positive person. If you work hard I believe the results are usually good. You make a good point. If you work at school as hard as you work for something you love doing the results will be good.

  6. Well I would have to say I have never felt that way about a sport. Or anything for that matter. Hmm maybe I am too laid back? Either way I got goosebumps just from reading what you wrote and feeling the level of excitement that went with it.

  7. That must have been an awesome feeling being able to win your senior year. I like how you tied in that feeling of winning to college I believe we have all won at something and can use that momentum to carry us through in college.
